Investing in Stocks
The majority of us as investors prefer to use simple pointers to determine the flows of the market and then take the opportunity of actively participating every day in the markets. Not many investors pay attention to such things as dividend yields, market values of stocks less days left to maturity, orDistribution ratios.
Banks invest millions of dollars to examine which stocks are worth our time and money. Thegood Winlowevans say this is the way it is and that there is little one can do about it. Thebad Winlowevans(who are just investors in stocks) think shareholders possess certain “magic” combination of information on stocks that allows one to bundle this data together into a fair estimate of how stocks will perform.
The first issue with this approach is that most investors are objectively trading the market. By this I mean they are keeping a record of what they buy and of the prices of each stock at different times of the day in order to gauge how much money they should dumping in order to purchase and sell them at high/low prices.
To actually do sophisticated technical analysis one must develop Roth- sociology, Asset Allocation philosophies and review investment problems and methods on the basis of risk/return tradeoffs and of available options.
The first issue with the approach should be as obvious as the name. It is not uncommon for stock sense prediction to be fashionable and emotionally driven as portal sales formulas, Go Anything Green Principle and the unending vendor supplied mantra of 24 hour, 7 days a week Wall Street.
Investors who do not understand the industry trends and leverage these time/money driven facts have the opportunity to make incredible short term wealth. Such profits are often acquired by attendees at exciting seminars held by highly paid publicists who have never traded and who should be looked upon with suspicion and skepticism. Any profit that is made is usually the rule not the exception, as theseservedly surrogate for everything that comes and goes from the markets. I suspect more than 90% Of those attending these seminars are losing money.
Investing can be fun and quickly learned if one is willing learn. It is an exciting and exciting activity. Whether or not one is successful definitely highly depends on a combination of selecting quality stocks and carefully selecting equities to invest in. The internet is an excellent source of information and I recommend purchasing a quality electronic investment magazine from
The internet is also where one can get some real education and find success. Take a course that is relevant to the stock you select. Get a reading list of peers who are doing the same thing and see what they are buying at. Visit secure and reputable forums to connect with other investors.
I like to think of it like a tug of war with only two opponents; theSpread betsand Wall Street. If one wins the battle, they may come out the other end with a couple of tools and extra knowledge but that is about it.
Whether it is the stock market or another example, careful and progressive investing doesn’t depend on anything outside of the investing equation. It all depends on how astute one is and what the future holds for them.